Monday, 25 January 2016

New Music Monday

New Music Monday: Ambleside

Some melodic hardcore from down under for you guys today. Ambleside have one EP out so far, released last year, as well as one single from this year's EP, all of which are some of the best in their genre. On New Tide, their 2015 EP, the simplicity is what makes it best; the guitars switch easily between clean and distorted parts with mostly shouted vocals while still keeping a fairily upbeat feel most of the time. This means that when at the end of the song Retrospect there's a slower, more feels-y bit you really feel it, even if we have heard that kind of lyrics before. Overall a great band, definitely going places soon, especially after having supported established bands like Counterparts and Dream On Dreamer!

FFO: Counterparts, Hellions

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